Datetime Value Block

Datetime Value Block

Where Is It?

The Datetime Value block is located in the dates drawer of the Blawx toolbox.

What Does It Do?

The Datetime Value block is used to provide a specific datetime value.

Technical Details

The datetime value block is a value block, and can be used anywhere that is expecting a value of type "datetime". This is typically in date statement blocks.

It has six numerical fields, representing the year, month, day, hour, minute, and seconds. Years can be negative integers, or zero. Valid months are integers between 1 and 12, and valid days are integers between 1 and 31. Valid hours are integers from 0 to 23. Valid minutes are integers from 0 to 59. Any non-negative number less than 60 is a valid seconds value.


The datetime value block will allow you to specify invalid dates, such as 2000 2 30. This will not cause a problem in the Blawx Code Editor, but may result in errors when you run your tests.