Duration Value Block

Duration Value Block

Where Is It?

The Duration Value block is located in the dates drawer of the Blawx toolbox.

What Does It Do?

The Duration Value block is used to provide a specific duration value.

Technical Details

The duration value block is a value block, and can be placed anywhere that is expecting a value of the duration type. This is typically in date statement blocks.

A duration is a combination of a sign, and four numbers representing the days, hours, minutes, and seconds of the duration. If the sign is positive ("+"), the duration is "into the future." If the sign is negative ("-"), the duration is "into the past." The idea "two days hence" could be expressed using the values + 2 0 0 0. The idea "one year ago" could be expressed using the values - 365 0 0 0.

Seconds can be specified with decimal places, all other values need to be non-negative integers.
